By amythest - 13/02/2012 00:18 - United Kingdom

Today, even though she can barely deal with raising kids, my 19-year-old sister announced her fourth pregnancy, by a fourth man, of yet another race. Why? Because she wants to "be like Angelina Jolie." I fear that social services may laugh at me if I tell them. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 871
You deserved it 3 152

Same thing different taste

Top comments

LaColombianita 26

That's just sad. She shouldn't be bringing babies into the world if she can't even support them. Angelina Jolie has the money to do that.

DontClickOnMe 28

Wow, 19 years old and four kids.. That's too many kids for that age.


Yeah, you should probably still call, I doubt they'd laugh since there is obviously something mentally wrong with your sister.

iviviii 0

That's sad op & so is the fact that celebrities have the power to influence ppl negatively even, though they don't intend to.

zarkx_fml 0

I don't agree with the amount of pregnancies but remember that no matter what race your part of your always from a "racial background"

I think the crucial part there was 'yet another' racial background - might be wrong but I think she's saying that all the fathers have been from different racial backgrounds...

littlemissalex 3

You used the wrong form of "you're" twice.

frostiebeanz 0

Why didn't ur parents put her on birth control

godofswag 6
RedCamaro10 0

Would I get moderated if I said your sister was a *****?

She should close her legs seriously four kids to four different guys *shakes head*FYL

monnanon 13

unfortunately theres no way of enforcing that unless they are going to sit with her and force the pill down her neck every night, or drag her kicking and screaming to get an implant.

Indian, black, chinese, white. I think she's done with the kids. What other race is there? That's 4...

Native American, hispanic, LOL really the list goes on and on.

Damn yea.. Posted in the wrong place below... Or maybe op sister wanted to test the theories of penis sizes by race? It's op sisters' life, if she wants to screw, let her screw. Who are we to judge. I'm sure some of those that judge, somewhere in the back of their mind, want to do the same thing. The only bad thing about this is that she's involving innocent lives... So yea, in 9 months time op sister doctors should suggest a btl or ocp to her in postnatal clinic or something..

Does she want an Australian baby? Because I would love to help out ;)