By Pain - 28/06/2010 23:37 - United States

Today, I accidentally dropped my cigarette down my shirt. There are now two unsightly, painful burns right in the center of my chest. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 001
You deserved it 72 205

Same thing different taste

Top comments

FFML_314 11
keekah 0

Ydi. Don't smoke. It kills you.


IIIB23 0

WARNING!!! Smoking may cause painful burns. Ha

cactus_fml 0

Now your chest is deteriorating from the inside and outside.

PinkSpider21 0

I did that a few years ago, what's even better is that I still have the scars!... YAY!!!! :(

you totally deserve it for being a retard and smoking!! no one cares that you burnt yourself being a retard

hehe 2 extra small non milkable niples :D

two burns? what'd you do? drop it twice? dumbass. ydi for smoking.

cody96 0

no idiot I did not say that she needed to change her top I just said maybe she should of been showing less clevage....and who said that she was wearing a blouse!!!! creeper.