By Pain - 28/06/2010 23:37 - United States

Today, I accidentally dropped my cigarette down my shirt. There are now two unsightly, painful burns right in the center of my chest. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 001
You deserved it 72 205

Same thing different taste

Top comments

FFML_314 11
keekah 0

Ydi. Don't smoke. It kills you.


Whorrified 0

Hehe, oh... the positives of smoking.

Iowa123 0

The consequences of smoking... that's why I don't.

Trixies100 0

that's what u get for smoking

haha just thinking that everyone who said your life sucks is a smoker

logogo85 0

everyone who is saying YDI fir smokin needs to shut up. if you ever have had fast food or have got drunk, u basically just smoked half a pack. except this has nicotine both natural and artificial so it is easier to smoke than eat a greasy cheeseburger

now just imagine those little unsightly burns allll over the inside of your lungs (:

Clutzs 5

thats what happens when you smoke sorry about the burns but smoking is a nasty ass habit.

FMLsOhilarious 6

Oh well. Idc. YDI for smoking. I hope you burn yourself even worse the next time.

wow !! she smokes, so what ? it's her life, her health she do what she wants. FYL that gotta hurt !

yeah. its her life. and the life of the people around her. secondhand smoke. heard of it?