By Pain - 28/06/2010 23:37 - United States

Today, I accidentally dropped my cigarette down my shirt. There are now two unsightly, painful burns right in the center of my chest. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 001
You deserved it 72 205

Same thing different taste

Top comments

FFML_314 11
keekah 0

Ydi. Don't smoke. It kills you.


this is why I started snorting coke :]

AngelOfDark_fml 0

thats what u get for smoking u idiot! its because of ppl like u that this planet is getting ruined! u r killing urself,others, and the planet and environment... i dont even know how the hell you ppl like this crap.

loooooooooool_fml 1

You're killing the environment every day just by living and doing your every day stuff like using cars, plains and any transport like that. Yes, even public transportation. What I'm trying to say here is that, out of all things that man has made, smoking is way back in the list that harm the environment. And no, smokers aren't harming the non-smokers in this world. It's IMPOSSIBLE for smokers to harm non-smokers with all the smoking bans that are enforced, unless you're smoking at home with kids around (people like that deserve to die form a slow and painful death). The only people that smokers really harm are themselves (unless, as I stated before, if you have kids, take your smoking outside of the house). And most of the smokers have the common courtesy not to smoke around non-smokers anyways, they don't need you, non-smokers tell them "that smoking kills", since they already know about it. It's written everywhere, even on the damn cigarette packs. And yeah, Bill Hicks is a genius.

WTF, seriusly. Guys saying you deserved it for smoking GET A LIFE, you god damn tree huggers! Why is smoking bad? Cuz it will kill you? Hey, newsflash! EVERYONE DIES, sooner or later.

woopsy 0

why the hell smoke? ydi. shove something else up your mouth instead. idiot oh and did i mention u deserved it?!

Idiot? Learn to ******* type a coherent, flowing sentence before daring to pass judgment on anyone's intelligence.

Yes...dropping cigs down your shirt is the real reason people shouldn't smoke. Cancer and wrinkles have nothing to do with it :P

PS: people who smoke know it is a nasty habit. You aren't going to magically open their eyes by critizing and name calling. Not to mention it is an addiction.

little2103bit 0

EVERYONE CAN SHUT THAT HELL UP. People start smoking for a number of different reasons. Like me for example, when I was thirteen I found out that my father was a child molester, got into a little bit of a bad crowd, started smoking at a young age. Its really hard to quit and no one enjoys being a smoker. It's a waist of money and kills you're lungs. But its an addictions. So stop giving smokers shit about it because we beat ourselves up enought over it already.

little2103bit 0
machtigen 0

I did that once and now I have an ugly scar.