By Pain - 28/06/2010 23:37 - United States

Today, I accidentally dropped my cigarette down my shirt. There are now two unsightly, painful burns right in the center of my chest. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 001
You deserved it 72 205

Same thing different taste

Top comments

FFML_314 11
keekah 0

Ydi. Don't smoke. It kills you.


And here 'children'; is yet another reason why smoking is bad.

all you ppl dissing smokers are idiots! look, live with it! people are gonna be smoking all around for the rest of your life, so stop acting all high and mighty cuz your non-smokers, it just makes you look like douches... you ******* have already won, us smokers cant smoke anywhere anymore, and when were finally somewhere we can smoke, we get idiots like you giving us shit for smoking... it's our damn choice to make, and if you dont like it then go kill yourself or hide in a hole or something

youthink_fml 0

Yes, all the non-smokers are idiots. I'm convinced smokers are much more intelligent. Thank you for opening my eyes. Now I want to start smoking.

Smoking=/=intelligence. While a bad habit it hardly negates one's intelligence.

well shit if your a non smoker and you leave smokers alone then your cool its other assholes that push their opinion on you that are dumb. shit this is the internet i bet you watch south park and if you dont then watch the episode butt out from season7... it has a good meaning, and also it saves me time

kingedoftheworld 0

FOR everybody saying that the OP deserves it for smoking: everyone has a bad habbit, some people, just happen to be smoking? why do you even care!?? (no, I don't smoke myself)

People are free to do what they want, but they have to accept the consequences. Bad habits are bad by definition. When one bites you in the ass, you deserve it. If OP said she cut her nostril from picking her nose, we'd say she deserved that too. If you choose to smoke, you deserve all the negative consequences that come with it. We "care" because she's crying on the internet about something that's totally her own fault. Why don't you believe people deserve the consequences of their own choices?

Ofcourse I think there's chioces and consequences of everything. I just don't think the OP desereves it for 'smoking'. yes, she is whining about it, but she burned herself, thats gotta hurt! when she started smoking she probably didn't know that she would burn herself... I just don't believe in all that karma shit.... it depends on how you look at it: if you believe in karma, you would think that she deserved it, if you don't you'ld think it was just bad luck... thats my opinion...

sno0pi90 0

Im curious, how did u pull it out? I mean did u pull ur shirt all da way down and let it fall out? i wanna know

laurapea33 0

What is thr deal with soviet Russia???

Orbdragon 5

OP, I'm not going to pass judgement because I used to smoke RYO's; I switched to an e-cig recently and haven't burned my fingers in weeks. All the fun, none of the danger :D

cody96 0

YDI for smoking and wearing a low cut shirt low enough for a freaking cigarette to fall down it!!!!!

i HAVE to comment this.. are you freaking serious??!!! so you mean that the OP should either stop smoking or change her blouse every time she wants to smoke?? that makes no sence

cody96 0

no idiot I did not say that she had to change her top I just said that she should of been showing less clevage and who said that she was wearing a blouse?!?!? creeper.

a lot of not-cleavege-showing blouses/t-shirt/whatevers are big enough for a cigarette to fall down? btw, showing cleavege is not always slutty... you can do it with class! haha a creeper i am XD

cody96 0

wow I never said that it was sluty that would just be rude!!! and how old are you like 25 don't you have better things to be doing other than trying to prove a point to a 13 year old girl Bout wether or not blouses are sluty?!!!??!?! wow.

Haha I think you're quite funny! no, I'm 15, and I just thought, you ment that she was to slutty to wear a blouse, showing cleavege. Maybe I was wrong, and you ment something else? Anyway, that doesn't give you ANY reason to call me an idiot a creeper, and a 25 year old?? haha:)

cody96 0

ok so I'm sorry that I called you a creeper I just thought it was weird that you started commenting on my post...and everyone elses. and I just don't think It is right for you to be fighting with almost everyone that comments....the comments are peoples opinions and I understand that you may not agree with it but it's is their opinion and it isn't right for you to be telling them that they are wrong...

cody96 0

oh ya and you did admit that you were a creeper and an idiot...

I see your point.. I just like to argument, that is my bad habbit;) sorry bout that.. and i just thought it was funny you called me an idiot, and a creeper, but some people can get offended if you call them such things, you're just lucky that I just pretended to be:) it wasn't my intention to upset anyone just thouht ur comment was funnyXD

cody96 0

I have plenty of bad habits I just said that she shouldn't smoke because my daddy smokes ALOT and I know he will die before my high school graduation....and I really am sorry about calling u an idiot and a creeper...but like I said I am 13 and and us 13 year olds are stupid and don't think before we say things and we are quite mean :) but I'm seriously sorry.

Apology accepted:) I'm really sorry bout your dad:( Really am. Hope he stoppes smoking, for everybodys sake:(

cody96 0

ok :) again I'm sorry I feel really bad for calling you a creeper and an idiot and ya... he's not gonna quit anytime soon...... but thanks for caring and understanding :)