By shit - 13/05/2010 21:00 - United States

Today, I accidentally rear-ended an undercover police car. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 987
You deserved it 13 770

Same thing different taste

Top comments

A smart undercover cop doesn't write traffic tickets...

orangesodaftw 0


that's not true here in Colorado! they drive just as fast as everyone else, sometimes faster, and they drive everything from new chargers, dodge magnums all the way to chevy tahoes. you never know! there are more unmarked police cars here than anywhere else that I have lived.

i know right. I don't live in Colorado but my famile does

TrillionHearts 0

that sucks, maybe you should be more

MysticAngel 0
mayhemxphoto 0

lollol fail. that sucks so bad

CestLaVieboheme 0

At least it wasn't an obvious cop?

mysfit 0

HAHA!! that sucks so bad! i scared the shit out of a pedestrian that was crossing the street today. /= i heard her scream through my closed windows and over my music! lmao.