By BlindInTheDark - 09/10/2013 18:02 - United States - Londonderry

Today, I again failed to convince my girlfriend that the $100 in our account is the minimum amount we have keep there to avoid being charged by the bank. We have a joint checking account, and the only way to take her off it is to close the account outright. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 218
You deserved it 7 668

BlindInTheDark tells us more.

Hey everyone, I see a lot of people in favor of the "close it outright" option, but of course I forgot to mention that in order to do so, we both have to go in and agree to close it. The only reason didn't do that ages ago is because I haven't come up with a way to convince her it's for the best, and since I DO plan to commit to her, I don't want to upset her.

Top comments

Opening a joint checking account with someone to whom you are not married is a bit stupid. Opening one with someone who doesn't understand basic banking is downright ludicrous.

1dvs_bstd 41

Well then, seems like we already have a solution, don't we OP?


Just open a new account switch everything over to that account

New account, take your name off the current one. pack up and move on

As someone who's bad with money even I understand minimums. Have a frank talk with her and if she still doesn't get it do what my partner had to do to me. Put her on a budget. She'll hate it but if you're both in it for the long haul she'll be thankful you did it

tehdarkness 21

U fail. You don't need a joint account. You do not need her to come with you. You can close it anytime... I work in banking and see things like this all the time.

sorry but I kinda think you deserve it. why do you have a joint account with your gf. Thats something I think is better to do when youre married.

She just completely flunked one of the most important tests one could have for a prospective life partner. Dump her and get out while you still can. NOW. Don't ever get hitched with someone who is incapable of even basic money management. Even if you open a different account that only you have access to and deposit your paycheck there, she'll totally take it out on you whenever she blows through her own funds and you refuse to cover the shortage.

ninety 25

You could always tell her that you want to switch to a bank with no minimum/fees and that you need to close the current one first. Then when you open the new one you could either put her or on it or not. Either way, if it upsets her, I don't understand why you would want to long-term with someone like that...

bigpapa119 2

Ok so why don't you just switch to a bank that doesn't have a minimum balance? You can keep the account joint,

My husband and I, happily married since two year, each one of us has his own bank account, if case i needed extra money he would give me, ( i also have one of his visa with me all the time) , and we both work

arak_fml 7

That's what you get for opening a an account with your GIRLFRIEND.