By charlieweaver21 - 21/01/2010 22:02 - France

Today, I agreed to meet my ex-girlfriend at our favorite restaurant with my hopes high. She just wanted me to meet her new boyfriend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 086
You deserved it 6 149

Same thing different taste

Top comments

npk88 0

that really sucks...what a bitch.

30Degrees_Below0 0

That's so low... I can't even imagine how angry I'd be if my ex boyfriend did that to me. If she's that rude, don't even worry about being friends with her.


mj2123 0

That's just cruel of her. And it's not "women" who think this is appropriate - it's passive aggressive bitches.

ashasash_ 0

ohh slap a bitch lol. no. shes either trying to make you jealous or shes just tryin to rub it in your face. but if its intentional i would seriously slap her. damn hoes.

I have a feeling there is more to this. they probably are good friends so she wante him to meet her new bf.

If they were good friends she would have warned him she was bringing her boyfriend, so he would have a choice to come or bring a date himself. Not only is that awkward as an ex seeing her with her new boyfriend... but now he has to deal with being the third wheel at the table.

daman1 0

Pay the hottest chick you can find, then do the same thing.

BikerMike 0

should have asked if she wanted a 3 way

PentiumBawls8 0

I suggest you invite her to dinner with her mom sitting on your lap!!

psyc213 1

I second this motion #23 has presented.

I'm sorry, that's just cruel, but it's obvious that she still had feelings for you and wanted to make you jealous, either that or just put you through Hell.... Good luck with that...

ontheloose 0

ya'll keep saying shes a bitch but in a way its the OP's fault

hannahwaffles 0