By matt5th35hit - 09/05/2009 08:16 - United States
matt5th35hit tells us more.
And by the way... This was not a FAKE experience. It scared the living shit out of me. I admit...I didn't know anything about the ocean or rip "CURRENTS" but now I do. Thank's for the knowledge guys, I've lived at the beach for 4 years and never swam in the ocean because I didn't like swimming in the ocean. Now u see why. There were NO lifeguards...This was at CAROLINA BEACH!! Just outside of Wilmington NC. If you know me, yup..I'm a dumbass for this. It's funny you say that. The water WAS murky and choppy. It ran along side a big ass pile of rocks that stretched out into the ocean. I didn't want to hit the rocks though for fear of injury. Fighting the rip current was a dumbass idea. After I ran out of energy trying to swim I just gave up and floated on my back and the waves helped push me back to shore. I really didn't give a shit about people seeing my dick. Im a sexy beast. haha
Top comments
Well at least ur alive 51: did he look good? Lolz jk jk.
Where the hell were the lifeguards?
Wow, way to be totally ungrateful that you survived a deadly riptide! At that point, the last thing I would care about would be that other people on the beach could see me naked.
it's either that or... Today, I died. FML
What a tool, at least you're alive.
You should have acted like you just swam in from a deserted island. You know tell them that you've been out there all alone for months, they would have felt sorry for you then. Ha ha.
Are 12753 of you serious?! It was their own fault!!! The lifeguards have to deal with a million of stupid idiots like yourself, one...who can't swim very well. not educate yourself about the ocean environment. For all the rest of you idiots...I'm going to give you some tools to use at the beach this summer... Beach RULES -Do not call them Rip Tides, because you will look like a noob at the beach -Rip Currents look like brown, choppy water, where there isn't much surf -Rip Currents pull out to sea -If you find yourself getting further and further out to sea, you are in a Rip Current -DO NOT PANIC, panic and fear at the main causes of drowning -Swim parallel to shore -Do not attempt to swim against the rip current -When swimming parallel to shore, do not swim against the side current (if there is one that day) -If you have a flotation device, do not ditch it and try to swim in (I don't know why so many of you idiots ditch your flotation devices, but it happens all the time) -Do not wear jeans in the water, they will weigh you down tremendously, and the lifeguards know you are not acclimated to the beach atmosphere. -Do not wear t-shirts as rash guards, again you look like a 909er. -The main thing is to keep calm, if you are physically unable to swim in, put your hands in the air, wave them back and fourth, and yell for help. -If you are on a well patrolled beach, and they have sharp lifeguards, they will have already gotten out to you, before you know your are in a rip. -Do not give the lifeguards a hard time, you are the idiot who got stuck in a rip, they are just doing there job. -Wear fins if you have them, and not the cheap plastic diving fins for the pool. -Figure out which way the side current is pulling and make sure you know what tower you are set up at, so many people do not know about the side current, and get lost, because it pulls them down about 8 towers, and are wondering around lost for hours (not a fun way to spend your day at the beach) -Use common sense -Don't be an idiot -Learn to swim -If you can't swim, don't go out past your calves. (This may seem too shallow, but if you get in water up to your waist, and a wave comes, you will be at the mercy of the wave) -Put on sunscreen, nothing ruins a trip more than being in agonizing pain. -SPF 30 at LEAST -Make sure to get your face, ears and nose. Suck it up, and put it on. Freakin' pansies some of you guys. -Be sure to put on sunscreen before you get to the beach, it needs time to soak in to be effective, approx. 30 minutes before exposure to intense sunlight. -Swim with friends, make sure you all stay together if you aren't great swimmers. -Find a trash can to throw your trash away, just because it's not your beach, doesn't mean you can spoil it, seriously cowboy up and walk 5 feet to a trash can. -Do not sprint into the ocean, there are inshore holes and sandbars hidden unknown to you underneath the surface of the water -High step into the surf, as to not twist an ankle. -While body surfing, always keep at least one hand out in front of you, if you hit the bottom, you do not the direct impact to be your head (hundreds of people are shipped off to the hospital each summer because people hit their head, and have possible spinal injuries). -If you can't handle your board, don't surf near people, it is common sense and courtesy. -Do not snake the locals waves, and do not snake mine, you will find it hard to catch other waves. -Stay out of the locals way, they have been going to the beach much longer than you, so you need to let them surf and have need to go have fun somewhere you won't be bothering people. -Most beaches are open to the public, so be respectful when towel changing, and using adult language, keep an eye out and ears open for little ones. -Be sure to educate your friends about the beach, you will look like a stud and the girls will flock to you. -Work on that tan, nothing puts up the red flag to lifeguards more than the blinding whiteness of your pale bodies. -Have fun! It's the beach for Pete sake! -Come check out Surf City, USA or (Huntington Beach, CA) awesome surf location, great downtown, and home to yours truly. Peace dudes and dudettes For any other questions you may have about the beach contact me at... [email protected]
Why don't you write a book about it? oh wait you just did..
Just... No. When you panic, most people can't remember much, hence the reason why people act like 'idiots' as you said. Not everyone is that educated, and in no way is it the Op's fault the he ended up naked.

The good news is that you lived....
Five years later. Lawl