By matt5th35hit - 09/05/2009 08:16 - United States
matt5th35hit tells us more.
And by the way... This was not a FAKE experience. It scared the living shit out of me. I admit...I didn't know anything about the ocean or rip "CURRENTS" but now I do. Thank's for the knowledge guys, I've lived at the beach for 4 years and never swam in the ocean because I didn't like swimming in the ocean. Now u see why. There were NO lifeguards...This was at CAROLINA BEACH!! Just outside of Wilmington NC. If you know me, yup..I'm a dumbass for this. It's funny you say that. The water WAS murky and choppy. It ran along side a big ass pile of rocks that stretched out into the ocean. I didn't want to hit the rocks though for fear of injury. Fighting the rip current was a dumbass idea. After I ran out of energy trying to swim I just gave up and floated on my back and the waves helped push me back to shore. I really didn't give a shit about people seeing my dick. Im a sexy beast. haha
Top comments
Agree with 100, 101 and 102. I wouldn't care about me being naked after I survived a near death experience. And when people would start yelling at me for exposing myself to their children I would tell them what I've been through and then kick him in the nuts.
The fact that you were naked should be, LITERALLY, the last thing on your mind. You're alive!
Nature has a sense of humor-- and, hey, you lived, so who gives a damn if people got to see you in your birthday suit? ALSO... how the heck did you manage to get back on shore? I thought you had to swim parallel to survive riptides o_o
Actually, the trick to surviving and escaping the rip is to swim diagonally. I live in Australia and that's one of the first things we're taught.
LOL @ 103. Hey -- you passed initiation. Now that you've been seen naked by 100 strangers -- you will become a tuition-free member at the local nudist beach. Hey - just kidding. Be thankful that the RIP current wasn't your R.I.P. (Rest In Peace) Current. Now go to church and give thanks to the One who saved you!
And by the way... This was not a FAKE experience. It scared the living shit out of me. I admit...I didn't know anything about the ocean or rip "CURRENTS" but now I do. Thank's for the knowledge guys, I've lived at the beach for 4 years and never swam in the ocean because I didn't like swimming in the ocean. Now u see why. There were NO lifeguards...This was at CAROLINA BEACH!! Just outside of Wilmington NC. If you know me, yup..I'm a dumbass for this. It's funny you say that. The water WAS murky and choppy. It ran along side a big ass pile of rocks that stretched out into the ocean. I didn't want to hit the rocks though for fear of injury. Fighting the rip current was a dumbass idea. After I ran out of energy trying to swim I just gave up and floated on my back and the waves helped push me back to shore. I really didn't give a shit about people seeing my dick. Im a sexy beast. haha
At least your okay! And this is why I always wear a life jacket in the water snuggly zipped and buckled up. Never know what could happen.
Five years later. Lawl
Do you wear a helmet to get the mail too?
I LOVE Carolina Beach! But if there are two things it's famous for, it's Britt's Doughnuts (definitely get some while you're down there, folks--best doughnuts of my life) and rip tides. Glad to hear that you were okay, OP. And don't worry about the people who saw you naked. You're hella fine ;D
Lived just north of there for years. That's a horrible part of the coast. They call it the Graveyard of the Atlantic for a reason. Riptides can be crazy. But its the most beautiful part of the coast, if you ask me, I'd take grey and choppy over blue water and white sand any day.
I live in va and I don't like going in the ocean either. to scary. glad your ok though
It's called the graveyard of the Atlantic because of ships sinking back in the days. Pirates would hide off of the coast cause of the rocky shore line
Try the north end they have lifeguards. Or just go to Wrightsville Beach. They have a lifeguard tower every five feet
I'm glad you're okay! I live in Wilmington myself, love it here! Sounds like you were down at Fort Fisher if you were near a massive wall of rocks.. That shit is crazy down there. Glad you're fine now though!
Rip currents are scary, especially if you didn't know about them. It would be natural to try to swim against it and try to take the quickest way back to the beach.
Bruh, the cold water can turn any sexy beast into a comedy show. But have no shame, it was an accident. Be casual about it. If you act weird, others will act weird. Go about your business. Do you feel like stopping at a vending machine? Do it. You're there, your dick is out anyway, you can't change that. You can, however, change wether or not you have a nice cold drink to go with your birthday suit.
Please learn what to do or stay out of the water
I know how you fell when I was 14 I almost drowned and now I havebs phobia of large bodies of water. I was litterly seconds away from death so I can relate.
I'm glad you're okay!
Nice to see that your already joking about your experience. That's a great way to recover. :D
I'm a surfer and that's completely over kill all you need is to be an average swimmer and have a decent knowledge of wave
instead of trying to swim to shore against the current swim parallel to the shore until you are out of the current, then swim to shore. also if the water is frothy and the waves aren't coming in right don't swim there
you did the right thing the only way to get back to shore is lay on your back and let the waves slowly move you back to shore. Good thing you had some sense rather than trying to fight it and dying
#103 ROFL Well, you can be both ashamed of public humiliation and be glad about having survived.
Even though the ration of FYL to YDI is about 25:1 at the moment, I voted YDI. Learn about the ocean and its dangers before going in there. And like anyone cares about a nude guy on a beach.
HAH yeah i remember that If it makes you feel any better, if i were i chick i'd ride the massive peice ur carrying
The good news is that you lived....
Five years later. Lawl