By matt5th35hit - 09/05/2009 08:16 - United States
matt5th35hit tells us more.
And by the way... This was not a FAKE experience. It scared the living shit out of me. I admit...I didn't know anything about the ocean or rip "CURRENTS" but now I do. Thank's for the knowledge guys, I've lived at the beach for 4 years and never swam in the ocean because I didn't like swimming in the ocean. Now u see why. There were NO lifeguards...This was at CAROLINA BEACH!! Just outside of Wilmington NC. If you know me, yup..I'm a dumbass for this. It's funny you say that. The water WAS murky and choppy. It ran along side a big ass pile of rocks that stretched out into the ocean. I didn't want to hit the rocks though for fear of injury. Fighting the rip current was a dumbass idea. After I ran out of energy trying to swim I just gave up and floated on my back and the waves helped push me back to shore. I really didn't give a shit about people seeing my dick. Im a sexy beast. haha
Top comments
This isn't a lie. Same exact thing happened to my cousin in Mexico. He also emerged naked but he didn't even care, he just slowly walked back to the hotel, stunned that he even survived.
#81, you clearly don't know what you are talking about but that is okay... But more than likely yes, the normal, average joe can't swim through a rip CURRENT, its CURRENT by the way, not TIDE. For people like me, who have been a lifeguard, go to the beach regularly, we can swim through the rip Current, but we will get exhausted, especially if it is a strong one. And again #81 you are wrong, because half mile rip currents, although extremely rare, can happen. At Huntington Beach a few years ago, we had a rip Current, that reached past the end of our pier which is over 1/4 of a mile. So some can get quite large, but you are correct in the fact that most are very small. Educate yourself people, educate.
I seriously am starting to think you just like to be a dick. everyone starts somewhere and everyone has to deal with idiots in their profession. get off your ******* horse.
I can relate, when I was about twelve I got caught in a rip current in Ocean City MD and the lifegaurd didn't even swim out to help me. When I finally got back into shore the lifegaurd says to me "hey good job, your a strong swimmer", to which I replied "**** YOU!!!!".
oh and the one that I was in was very strong and i was able to swim against it.
Learn about rips.
I'm sure no one cares if you just flopped onto the beach, exhausted. If you walked out proudly, then yeah, people will think you're weird.
FAKE there was a huge article on this exact thing in Plum Beach, Massachusetts 2 years ago this guy is retarded for putting this on the website
dude, you shouldve played that off. say, "hell yeah! you know you like it!!!"
The good news is that you lived....
Five years later. Lawl