By Anonymous - 27/03/2013 16:54 - United States

Today, I almost lost my virginity at the age of 34. After years of putting off sex and waiting for marriage, the moment arrived. My new wife could't stop laughing at how small I am. FML
I agree, your life sucks 76 138
You deserved it 11 762

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Its not about the size of the boat, rather the motion in the ocean.

Don't worry you'll always be bigger than me


Hey, at least she laughed. She knows she's stuck with you... most girls would cry.

She clearly doesn't deserve the D, keep saving yourself for a woman who is mature and in love with you on a deeper level!


Man, so sorry for u OP, but I'd be depressed to be a 34 y/o virgin...

knoxxx 22

She was probably just trying to prevent herself from crying because that's the penis she's now married to.

Pstraka6 20

That is not very wife-like of her. Tell her you don't appreciate it and how it was brought up. not to mention its not always about size! get a beer, shrug it off and keep smiling :)

taurusxdee 10

God bless you! Takes a true man of God to wait until marriage to have sex. You did the right thing.

Sorry, OP! Too bad you didn't find someone who waited until the wedding night as well. If she hadn't seen others, she wouldn't laugh at yours, which is cruel and insensitive anyway. Good luck with the marriage...

rokolodo 10

That just means she's used to bigger things. Wait, that means she wasn't a virgin? Not that that is important.