By Anonymous - 27/03/2013 16:54 - United States

Today, I almost lost my virginity at the age of 34. After years of putting off sex and waiting for marriage, the moment arrived. My new wife could't stop laughing at how small I am. FML
I agree, your life sucks 76 138
You deserved it 11 762

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Its not about the size of the boat, rather the motion in the ocean.

Don't worry you'll always be bigger than me


I hear if you are a virgin till you're thirty you become a wizard... Did you become a wizard? 0_o

onorexveritas 23
Merylwen 24

Awww that's terrible =( I don't understand why someone who's supposed to be the love of your life would treat you like this.

Dude, I feel sorry for you. This is conclusive proof that it is retarded to wait until marriage to have sex. It goes against our nature. At least if you're not well endowed but have plenty of experience you have a better chance of satisfying a woman and avoiding being laughed at.

JaMeSFourTwenty 2

It's not the size of the dick, its the depth of the pussy. She must of stretched it out some.

cmb8280 24

I really want to say YDI for waiting so long... BUT I know it's a personal decision, yada yada, so first off, your wife is a BITCH. She's the one who agreed to marry you without seeing your schlong, so she has no room to laugh. Second, a small penis is not a big deal. There are LOTS of ways to satisfy a woman without using your dick. Give her some toe curling O's that way, she'll never notice the size issue again.

I'm so sorry to hear that! But for what it's worth, I once dated a guy with an extremely small penis, but he was wonderful in the sack. The size didn't matter: what mattered is that he knew how to use it! Practice makes perfect, so I hope your bride will stop laughing and practice with you!

metreman 19

don't worry op i got a small penis too

Maybe the wife is loose so his little boat doesn't feel like anything to her..?