By Anonymous - 27/03/2013 16:54 - United States

Today, I almost lost my virginity at the age of 34. After years of putting off sex and waiting for marriage, the moment arrived. My new wife could't stop laughing at how small I am. FML
I agree, your life sucks 76 138
You deserved it 11 762

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Its not about the size of the boat, rather the motion in the ocean.

Don't worry you'll always be bigger than me


What a strange story. I can't imagine how, if you don't have sex before marriage or even see each other naked, you don't bring up this subject prior to the wedding night, or how you marry someone this inconsiderate. You may not deserve her reaction but a bit more thinking ahead could have prevented this awkward situation. I don't see the point in saving yourself until marriage anyway.

Alastrina_fml 20

This is why you never buy a suit before you try it on....

This FML was really sad to me for some reason. I think your wife's reaction was cruel and uncalled for.

BadLuckDude12345 14

Wow. Losing your virginity at 34? That is pretty late, even by my country Pakistan's standards. We are a pretty conservative country.

Ins0mau 20

Yeah. Sometimes I almost think they're up there with you guys on some levels. The U.S is certainly the most conservative by far of the Western nations.

Merylwen 24

Yeah, right. Because it's so much better to be a **** than wait for the person you want to share your life with. See how your wife reacts when you tell her how many ****** you ******. 34 is not late. You find the love of your life when you find them. It's not a matter of age.

Dont worry as long as u r efficient enough! Quality ia better than the qunatity

What an awful thing to happen, really sorry you went through that op, this would be something that would be really hard to move on from, if you would even want to at all. It's true that you can use toys, different positions etc, but I wouldn't even worry about thinking of how you can satisfy her at this time. Focus on yourself and if this relationship is something that enhances your life, it might be something you want to work through, or you might decide to leave her, both options are okay. But for now, don't stay focused on the sexuality aspect of the issue, rather what it means for trust and mutual respect. Wish you all the very best.