By sadmother - 01/07/2011 23:12 - Canada

Today, I asked my daughter what time it was. She stared at the clock for several seconds before muttering, "I don't know". She's 14 years old and on the honour roll, and yet she can't tell the time on an analogue clock. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 962
You deserved it 12 900

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I know college kids who can't read a regular clock. It scares me that these people are the future of this world.


haha and you can't spell HONOR right!

I'm 27 and it takes me a few moments to tell what the time is on an analog just because I'm not used to it. this causes my family to think I can't tell time. but if you ask me to guess what time it is without looking at a clock directly and I can get pretty close. plus digital clocks are everywhere now. I don't even have a watch anymore because I have my phone.

ryguy83 2

Tons of people at my school can't read an analouge clock too.

In just a second all you people pointing out the Honour spelling are going to feel really really stupid. In the English language, Honour is spelt 'Honour' in the American-English dialect, you tend you dumb words down a bit e.g. Honor, harbor, color. Whereas these words are actually spelt Honour, harbour, colour. There is a world outside of America, maybe you should learn about it sometime.

hardcoreFML4223 0

my girl friends 29 and she still can't tell time like that.

I believe that is ur fault for not educating her beyond school.

HoeFoShow 0

Today my mom made me read a non-digital clock! I didnt know how. I'm 14.

clbweirdkid 0

says the one who can't spell HONOR