By Anonymous - 21/08/2009 18:23 - United States

Today, I asked my husband why he won't list me as his wife on Facebook. Apparently, it's because he doesn't want the high school friends he just reconnected with to know that he married "the biggest geek in the whole school." We went to the same high school. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 144
You deserved it 3 784

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Your husband is imature and cares more about appearances than your feelings. Deny him sex and anything else he may like until he changes this.

mynameisjohn19 0

Wow what a jerk. He obviously hasn't matured enough if he's still seeking approval from everyone who went to your high school.



Wow, talk about stereotyping. :(

tell him to seriously get over himself.. who does ur husband think he is? the most awesomest person whose ever walked the face of this earth? i thinkkkk nottttttt!

It's FACEBOOK, of all things. Boo ******* hoo.

It's not just about that, it's about the fact that her husband is ashamed of being married to her.

Casaundraaa 9

actually it's a huge red flag if your spouse or partner refuses to list you as whom they're with it's either a)they're cheating b) embarrassed or c) both or d) doesn't want anyone ruin the relationship he obviously stated he didn't want his highschool friends to know who he married

So thyats what he really thinks of you and about you. And you are okay with this? You are both ******. So sad

You should have married me. At worst, you could have been considered the "2nd Biggest Geek in the Whole School" JCL Rules!

Thanks, mercy. . . and I still am! ;)

I was a geek as well, and still am. But then, high school wasn't long ago for me. Plexico, pfft, what about me!? I'm jealous.

But is anyone going to affirm or refute that JCL Rules? Hint: I am not referring to Job Control Language, even though that would be very geeky as well.

Harry_Poochi 0

Intoxicunt, you look like the complete opposite of a geek. I am slightly afraid of you.

Hahahaha. That's the first time anyone's said they were afraid of me in a looooong time. Why, might I ask? Do I look like an airhead? That would be the opposite, I guess. Plexico, um...I don't know what it stands for. So, for the sake of argument, I'll just disagree. NO, JCL sucks!

No, it doesn't! (runs away sobbing) Mommy! Intoxicunt says JCL (slob) sucks! (stands behind Mommy) Mommy, tell her JCL rules! (sticks out tongue.) And. . . Scene.

I googled it and still haven't a clue as to what it stands for. So, for that reason, it does suck.

Why did you finish that with "we went to the same high school" ? Wasn't that already evident? It wouldn't make sense otherwise. Anyway, just add them all as your friends and then they'll see that you're married to him and you can rest easy.

mehwhateverr 0

#27, i was gonna say the same thing. i don't get that either.

littlemissxx 0

yeah, I was surprised people hadn't mentioned it earlier.

I think it was for all the stupid people that wouldn't understand the FML without further clarification.

Casaundraaa 9

haha I was thinking she should message them all and let them know ! ?

Kristoffer 35

FYL. But "We went to the same high school" is kinda redundant.

My thoughts exactly. I had to reread the FML a couple times to see if I misread something. The fact that they already went to the same highschool was pretty obvious, so repeating it just made the FML confusing. And seriously, it's Facebook. I swear, if all this keeps up, it'll rule the world one day.

wow way to act like a couple of teenagers squabbling over their relationship status on facebook. if hes clearly still obsessing over what his high school buddies think of him, then fyl for marrying an immature little boy.

you shouldn't be ashamed that you were the so called "geek" in the whole school, and shame on him for being embarrassed of you. and if he thought you were a geek why did he marry you?