By Anonymous - 21/08/2009 18:23 - United States

Today, I asked my husband why he won't list me as his wife on Facebook. Apparently, it's because he doesn't want the high school friends he just reconnected with to know that he married "the biggest geek in the whole school." We went to the same high school. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 144
You deserved it 3 784

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Your husband is imature and cares more about appearances than your feelings. Deny him sex and anything else he may like until he changes this.

mynameisjohn19 0

Wow what a jerk. He obviously hasn't matured enough if he's still seeking approval from everyone who went to your high school.


Klabauterpete 0
idontgiveone 0

And...he was kidding right? Gratz, you married a jerk.

why did you write "we went to the same highschool"? it was kind of unneeded and obvious.

Was he the captain of the football team or something? This guy's a loser if he's still concerned about his image in high school long after he graduated. If he's ashamed of you, why did he marry you? He must have really liked something about you if he put a ring on your finger. He needs to grow up.

If he was the captain of the football team, it wouldn't surprise me if he's probably a loser that goes around still wearing his letterman jacket expecting to get far in life just because he was a high school athlete.

Wow, what an idiot husband. He must like you though if he married you, but it still is very idiotic to not tell people that you're married.

cookiejohnson 0
katcot99 11

Yeah this is what I thought.

Casaundraaa 9
startafire 0

Then you should refuse to wear your wedding ring. Same difference. Drop the douchebag and find someone who is happy to tell people who he is with.

Um, a social networking website and real life are most definitely not the same thing.

yahoooooo_fml 0

They're similar. Both are basically ways to hide the fact you're married

Paula844 7

Post a couple of messages on his wall congratulating him on his latest eight-hour Dungeons and Dragons adventure.

This is another reason why I HATE Facbook. It's like....what the hell happened to real life?!