By Anonymous - 21/08/2009 18:23 - United States

Today, I asked my husband why he won't list me as his wife on Facebook. Apparently, it's because he doesn't want the high school friends he just reconnected with to know that he married "the biggest geek in the whole school." We went to the same high school. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 144
You deserved it 3 784

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Your husband is imature and cares more about appearances than your feelings. Deny him sex and anything else he may like until he changes this.

mynameisjohn19 0

Wow what a jerk. He obviously hasn't matured enough if he's still seeking approval from everyone who went to your high school.


djb23 0

I love how you dropped that last line like it was unexpected. Like you were dropping a bombshell on us. WELL GUESS WHAT, I ALREADY ASSUMED YOU WENT TO THE SAME HIGH SCHOOL. HOW ELSE WOULD HIS FRIENDS KNOW YOU? HUH? anyways YDI for marrying an insecure loser..

MeMeMe123455 0

Post your wedding photos and tag him in them....also, leave him a wall message about leaving dirty underwear around the house or something like that. What a dickkk.

YDI for marrying the biggest douche in the whole school.

If I were you I would of been like "Well that's fine with me, I don't want everyone to know I married the biggest jerk from high school."

KR15CO 0

- why dont you add tag him as your husband on facebook ? - add all of his friends - upload your wedding pictures and tag his ugly ass

Why are you still married to a guy trying to impress a ton of people from high school? He's not acknowledging you as his wife. It's stupid. If you got hot, then it sucks for them and it sucks for your husband because they're trying to relive the past. If you stayed the same, then your husband's just a douche.

Post a pic with your glasses off, so all his jock buddies will be like, "Holy shit she's hot!" Then your husband can collect on some long-standing bets and buy you contacts.

unhappyperson 0

Yeah, divorce him. If he doesn't love you in front of everybody, he shouldn't get the right to love you at all. Move on. He'll cheat.

invisiblerabbit 0

awww, you're just a teenage dirtbag...

your husband is a douchebag. sorry for having to marry a guy like him =/