By Anonymous - 07/12/2010 11:12 - Switzerland

Today, I ate lunch alone. None of my colleagues saved me a seat. One of those colleagues was my husband. He didn't even have the decency to move so that I wouldn't have to eat alone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 967
You deserved it 4 612

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Michigan_Girl 0

When you go to sleep tonight, take up the whole bed and tell him there's no room.


Actually, eating alone can be a refreshing change of pace.

op your husband should get an award for that. call it the nosexforamonth one!

Why would they save you a seat, you whiny little wench? It's up to you to find a seat... Oh look! You did.

skyeyez9 24

I'm an introvert and don't mind eating alone. I dislike being at a crowded table and would have sat somewhere else anyways. But that sucks your husband didnt sit with you. What an ass.

lizzybob666 6

awww that's heckaaaa messed up if I were u I would let him sleep outside hahaha

maybe she already does, reason why he's not so nice to her. there might have been a hot co-worker at that table

ooooo, you know hes sleeping on the couch ronite

ouch. hope you didn't give him any for a week.

so he works, lives and does everything else with you and he stops paying attention to you for one lunchtime and now he's an ass. Give him some space and stop attention seeking.

This. What the hell's wrong with hanging out apart? If spending one meal by yourself is enough to piss you off, you're ridiculously insecure and in need of some serious self-evaluation.

To all the little kids talking about divorce, you have no idea what marriage is and what it takes to have and keep a real relationship. When you are dating, you can dump someone for something frivolous. Big ******* deal, you just date someone else. However, a marriage is a commitment for life. You don't divorce someone over something like this. There's another option - communication. It works. Now shut the hell up and don't comment on grown up topics unless you're an adult. You stupid children are making yourselves look like stupid children.

The times when marriage was a commitment for life, even for the couples who couldn't stand eachother (anymore) are - thank God - gone. But I agree, you don't divorce (and in my opinion, also don't dump) someone for this, and I doubt a divorce is what OP wants.

I agree to an extent, but I stand by the commitment for life. That said, too many people rush into marriage without being committed, understanding what commitment is, etc.

Indeed. The main problem are imo all those people who rush too soon (2 years of dating) into marriage. I would only be married after at least a serious relationship of 5 years, but I even don't want to marry. I also stand by the commitment for life (without a marriage, mouha!), but it just doesn't work always...

Agreed, Doc. This OP sounds like a high school girlfriend, and the comments are even worse.