By Anonymous - 07/12/2010 11:12 - Switzerland

Today, I ate lunch alone. None of my colleagues saved me a seat. One of those colleagues was my husband. He didn't even have the decency to move so that I wouldn't have to eat alone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 967
You deserved it 4 612

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Michigan_Girl 0

When you go to sleep tonight, take up the whole bed and tell him there's no room.


i hope they talked behind your back,that would be the mean time go read the book " how to make friends at work "

a_girl_i_know 0

It seems that boyfriends/husbands treat other people better(such as crushes), rather than treating their significant other with respect. Makes sense to me, but it shouldn't be that way.

I agree. OP needs to respect her husband's desire to hang out with friends without her once in awhile.

I agree with Doc and I'm not, nor ever have been, married. But I do have one little boy and a little girl due in April, and I know you cant just be bringing random boyfriends or girlfriends around them. I'm with an amazing guy and I have to treat our relationship like a marriage. Its hard sometimes, but its not impossible. Go Doc :)

Elisabetha Aarron 18

I think you commented on the wrong fml

Youre an adult im guessing? Grow up. So what you ate alone.

loserrrrr....haha u probably picked the seat after everyone was already sitting YDI

Eating alone is better, you don't have to watch other people eat or smell their food. Just go talk to them when you're finished eating.

If it means not having to watch people with bad manners talk with their mouth full or having food I hate the smell of waft around me, yes!

Dutch oven him tonight, problem solved!

r6_fml 4

Haha that's good old fashioned family racism right there