By daydreamer - 29/07/2012 05:12 - United States - Wilton

Today, I began to daydream about going on a diet and losing some weight. As I did so, I unknowingly reached for a giant bag of chips and ate the whole thing. Now, I have stopped daydreaming and am sitting alone and depressed. And I'm all out of chips. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 168
You deserved it 29 300

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Join a gym? Or possibly a bootcamp, because you need the willpower and perseverance

You should daydream more often, but with a salad next to you.


fj19 9

I hate reading fml's like these.

amyybr 0

im trying to gain weight sux for you

perdix 29

You need to get off your fat ass and get some exercise! Start with a brisk walk to your car. Drive to your local discount club. Do as many reps of the Chip Lift into your cart as you can. Push heavily loaded cart to check-out. Return to couch for a well-deserved warm-down. That's enough for today . . . don't stop believin'!

A good way to lose some weight is to eat MORE. When you starve yourself, your body goes into starvation mode and saves as much fat as possible. When you snack between meals on something(not too junky) and go for walks, your body burns the extra fat faster because it doesn't need it. I know because I switched over to this diet and shed about 10 lbs already.

This chipmunk was more on the pudgy side.

Are you calling me fat?! *bawls and shoves chocolate in her mouth*

cheetahbaby96 8

76- That is true, but your calorie intake needs to drop below the number of calories you burn in a day. So if eating less needs to occur, try to get the biggest bang for your buck. Example: Approximately 330 grams of strawberries equals 100 calories. Whilst 330 grams of goldfish crackers equals about 1,540 calories.

That's why I like celery--negative calories.

It's a hard road to travel but some will power and discipline will help greatly. Your not alone in the battle! Make small steps like baked chips or apple crisps to divulge into. Good luck and don't give up :)

Aim with you OP. I'm trying to lose a few pounds, but food is just to damn delicious!

sumbum95 15

Instead of daydreaming it why don't you actually do it! You just Have to focus and be positive! :) There's actually a quote that says this: Your day dreams of losing weight are interrupted by the sound of your munching. I guess in the case.. It's true.

jayfreeman80 0

Go to the store and buy more!!!!

Talkryz 7

Maybe go for a walk (or run) so you can feel better emotionally. In the long run it'll help you with both so it's a win-win 