By daydreamer - 29/07/2012 05:12 - United States - Wilton

Today, I began to daydream about going on a diet and losing some weight. As I did so, I unknowingly reached for a giant bag of chips and ate the whole thing. Now, I have stopped daydreaming and am sitting alone and depressed. And I'm all out of chips. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 168
You deserved it 29 300

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Join a gym? Or possibly a bootcamp, because you need the willpower and perseverance

You should daydream more often, but with a salad next to you.


BubbleGrunge 18

I'm just curious how you managed to daydream so long that you were able to eat a whole bag of chips? You must have a vivid imagination! Next time grab a pen and paper to write or draw when you daydream!

How do you reach for something and eat it unknowingly? The only thing I can think of is sleepwalking, perhaps?

It happens to the best of us! I've had the same daydream over n over again

I said this on a recent FML, but starting is the hardest part, OP. Once you get yourself into an exercise routine and begin to see the results you'll become even more motivated to push yourself harder. I ran my first ever triathlon yesterday. I feel so strong and empowered. It's inspired me to work out even more towards gaining my ideal body because I'm so close I can taste it. Two years ago if you asked me if I would ever run a triathlon I would have laughed at you and gone back to eating pizza.

Anita1023632 3

Do P90X! Even though its pretty hard, if you press play every day, you will have your dream body!

zuzupetalsYO 11

Why do people make themselves suffer over losing weight? You can't think it away. It's called EXERCISE.

phoenixx3 3

Try roasted garlic hummus and veggies instead of junk food for snacks an hour of physical activity a day atleast can do wonders. It's also proven when you get physically active it releases feel good endorphins that will help with that depressed feeling !!!!!

This is stupid don't buy chips then , join a gym, make a lifestyle change.

How long were u daydreaming for? And what kind of chips? If they weren't ruffles ydi