By daydreamer - 29/07/2012 05:12 - United States - Wilton

Today, I began to daydream about going on a diet and losing some weight. As I did so, I unknowingly reached for a giant bag of chips and ate the whole thing. Now, I have stopped daydreaming and am sitting alone and depressed. And I'm all out of chips. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 168
You deserved it 29 300

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Join a gym? Or possibly a bootcamp, because you need the willpower and perseverance

You should daydream more often, but with a salad next to you.


How the hell do you eat a whole bag of chips unknowingly?! Here's a clue... Stop buying junk food.

If you really want to loose weight you gotta start by keeping all the junk food out of your house. If you would have been daydreaming and eaten a tray of healthy food you wouldnt be depressed right now.

fukmefreddy 4
imagineapc 11

Mmm, I love chips! Chips are great when eaten rarely and in moderation.

Buy more? Drown your sorrow in more junk foods. It's therapeutic for some. Or hit the gym and go get a life instead of posting your pathetic ways to the world for a false sense of satisfaction. Just saying.

noobgang7 5

Losing weight is easy. I lost 30 pounds in 2 months just by jogging nightly and eating healthy.

SobrietyKills 14

Everyone loses weight differently, if you have a pituitary disorder losing weight can be extremely difficult. Jogging wont work for everyone because everyone has their own way to do things. Tl;dr - losing weight isn't easy for everyone.

gatorgirl2669 6

um, sounds like you need to get out more often, join a gym and have some better daydreams maybe about some diet drinks or weight loss pills