By annabellebyebye - 16/08/2009 15:18 - United States

Today, I bought a kitten. I've wanted a cat for years and decided to finally buy one now that I have my own apartment. It turns out I'm allergic to cats. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 890
You deserved it 10 080

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wouldn't you be aware of that allergy BEFORE you got the cat? You've never had allergy tests done, or gotten a stuffy nose when you were around your friends' cats? I suggest shots if you want to keep it. Either that, or zyrtec. Zyrtec (allergy medication) is WONDERFUL. I'm (supposedly) allergic, and I don't react to my cat at all.

Shock98 0

so get some allergy medicine.


AlexHD 4

It depends on how allergic you are, if the allergy is not that bad you can get pills for it and that could help. If your allergy is severe then FYL.

Well then, good thing it's a kitten and not a cat ;)

Bi0xHazard 18

There's a certain breed of cats that someone who is allergic to cats won't react much to from what I hear; as I am allergic to animals in general, I aim to get that breed. Good luck op

If you liked cats, why didn't you spend time around them?

YDI for paying for a cat. Farm cats are free and there is an over abundance

With all the rescue animals that need homes why would you buy a kitten?? And you've never been near cats your entire life to know that you're allergic? ydi