By bummed and broke - 13/11/2012 18:24 - United States

Today, I bought an $80, "invincible" phone case. One test drop later, my phone had turned into an expensive paperweight. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 863
You deserved it 35 001

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Reminds me of when I was 6 and I snapped a 'shatterproof' ruler...


perdix 29

Didn't you read the one-word Owner's Manual that simply read: Psych!

well if its an otter box then op should know they will replace his phone

Should have gotten a $50 otter box, I throw mine down on concrete and the phone and case are fine.

sammisweets93 12

Got my otter box for 10 bucks and I've thrown my iPhone at a concrete wall also.

I have a life proof.. My phone goes through hell and looks brand new when I take it out. I even go swimming with it...

kawaiichick 9

Exactly! I love mine LifeProof case as well especially for Ms. Klutzy me.

unknown_user5566 26

I agree that OP is a teensy bit stupid for actually doing a "test drop", but I think most companies expect people to have a LITTLE common sense, and to not fully believe when they say things like "invincible".

Why didn't you just buy a $80 deluxe air guitar.

bigsexy94 6

are you sure it didnt say INVISIBLE?

43: when you buy an otterbox, on the package, it specifically says that the Otterbox company will not be held responsible for broken phones.

i do agree its a stupid idea to test drop your phone but i was just restateing what my friend told me

It's not a paperweight. All smartphones can be fixed. I work at a repair shop and can fix any damage to any smartphone.