By phoneless - 17/04/2012 19:23 - Jordan

Today, I bought my first iPhone. Today, I broke my first iPhone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 172
You deserved it 26 231

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Theres a money back guarantee for the first few days. Return it for another. And get a case. They are slippery bastards.

That's why I have an Otter Box... Otter Boxes save lives.

Your an idiot prob watchin to much **** in it nd the baby oil probably slipped through your hands ha

18 Ever heard of an accident? Perhaps as you're only 15 you haven't heard of that word yet? Give OP a break. Live a little then you might realise that you're not as in control of the situation as you think.

First he was like Yes!! Then he was like Nooooooooooo!!! P.s that's what she said

Same thing happened to me but not on the same day. I hope the iPhone 5 comes with the ability not to fall off of a flat surface

59 - I'm going to take your advice and live a little! First task on my list: throw my iPhone against a brick wall.

You should have a 1 year warranty on it. All of them do. Take it back and get another one!

Danads 2

No not funny you just killed the joke

59- it's really never been that serious. And it's realize* not to be a grammar Nazi or anything but Heey , since you wanna have a stick up your butt about everything , sure . I mean, whatever tickles your pickle Hun.