By phoneless - 17/04/2012 19:23 - Jordan

Today, I bought my first iPhone. Today, I broke my first iPhone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 172
You deserved it 26 231

Same thing different taste

Top comments


It's spelt "realize" in America, but it's spelt "realise" with an s in Australia

LikeASombodee 6

Did you get a protection plan?

fuckmebutdontfml 16

apple stuff break to easy, buy something tougher if your such a clutz or at least an otterbox

Trisha_aus 15

Maybe you weren't meant to be an iPhone user...go back to android OP..instagram's available no worries

xIBleedPurplex16 0

Haaa... I managed to do that to a mate's phone.. -.- expencive lesson learned.. Hope you have a good warranty on it!

There's an app for that! ... No wait, not even good ol' Steve could come up with something as great as that! ... No wait, we don't even have Steve anymore... What's this world coming to?!

iamawriter1881 1

I feel your pain. 2 hrs after I got mine it slipped out of my pocket, fell into a puddle on the front and cracked the back

NoxiousNorwegian 5

Man, I feel your pain. Too bad there isn't an app for this. Screw you Steve jobs!!!