By Anonymous - 26/06/2012 05:44 - United States

Today, I burned my nose. How? I tried sniffing a lit candle. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 214
You deserved it 52 393

Same thing different taste

Top comments

beccaishereyay 11


breeY0 7

Best way to smell a candle.. and well I guess avoid a nose burn, is to simply blow it out. You're welcome.

Wow! Thank you for taking sometime out of your incredibly busy life to help us simpletons who don't understand how fire works... What can be your next great lesson, ooh, does water actually make your skin wet or is that just a myth?!

breeY0 7

Ahh take it easy my sarcastic young friend, but again, you're welcome.

@24 premature sarcasm will get you downvoted.

meetmissmayhem 4

#24 you went way overboard. Chill out bro.

So? Go on, how did it smell? Lavender? Sea breeze? Pain? I'm dying to know man!

Rin_deviluke 3

I bet all he or she smell is burnt flesh now haha

Rin_deviluke 3

I want to know what drove you to sniff that candle? With a flame still burning?

Don't walk into the light! Don't smell it either!

Michael_92 20

This would be one of them moments where the YDI button just doesn't quite express my feelings right now.

I often marvel at the lengths some on FML will go to in order to rid themselves of unwanted hair but burning out your nose-hair over a candle is taking it too far!

Ladies and Gentlemen, there is now a new level of being an idiot.

Woo hoo, can't wait to level up and learn the skill, "Sniff Candle Ignite"! We call it SCI on the Boards, in case you were wondering . . . *cool shrug*.

Today, I burnt my nose. How? I tried to light my farts on fire and smell them at the same time. FML

Aspen_Grace33 27

Did it at least smell good?