By Anonymous - 26/06/2012 05:44 - United States

Today, I burned my nose. How? I tried sniffing a lit candle. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 214
You deserved it 52 393

Same thing different taste

Top comments

beccaishereyay 11


AzzieC 12

I bet after that it smelled like burgers and afternoon rain

I did that when I was 7 ended up burning my hair not a lot but I learned my lesson.

I'm a pyrotechnics expert and I can definitively say that this person should not have put their nose that close to the lit candle.

I'm just a regular person with common sense and I can definitively say that this person should not have put their nose that close to a lit candle.

#118 - Any layperson can give advice with little knowledge to back it up. My advice came with the full backing of EXPERT status.

Because you really need an expert to tell you not to put fire up to your face..

So, you'd need a weapons expert to tell you not to grab a knife by the blade? Or not point a gun at your face?

It's taking you a long time to catch on.

kitty306 0

Why on earth would you even THINK of doing that! /).-

Maybe you wouldn't have burned yourself if you weren't so damn nosy