By Anonymous - 26/06/2012 05:44 - United States

Today, I burned my nose. How? I tried sniffing a lit candle. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 214
You deserved it 52 393

Same thing different taste

Top comments

beccaishereyay 11


Next time, try answering the waffle iron when the phone rings. I bet $100 that will turn out fine.

dudette123456789 0

well....... r u o.k? at list?

There really needs to be a "You're a complete fucktard" button.

almost34 4

I set my hair on fire on trying to smell a scented candle.

Hahaha that's worse than op's situation. Hope you didn't have alot of hairspray on

Well ur just full of great ideas aren't u?

caitiebug1119 15 was that smart? Bet you won't be smelling anything for awhile.