By heheheh - 22/08/2011 06:43 - Canada

Today, I burned my tongue. With a flat iron. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 981
You deserved it 57 728

Same thing different taste

Top comments


HahaYDI 0

This might be understandable if it was a flat iron steak.

blacksswan 10

You must have mad skills to be able to do that.

Masked00 4

I don't even... How in the world does that even happen??

next time, read the instructions first. instructions are made for people like you.

YDI for trying to straighten your gross tongue hair.

good god why on earth would you do that ?!?! O.o

jerico616 14

Why the Hell would you lick a hot flat iron?

allthatremains25 0

And the winner of the dumb ass award Is a tie this year! To you and OP congratulations .