By heheheh - 22/08/2011 06:43 - Canada

Today, I burned my tongue. With a flat iron. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 981
You deserved it 57 728

Same thing different taste

Top comments


mdizzl 6

thats your own ******* fault

rosebudd000 0

Um.. Unless your trying to straighten your mustache, your an idiot!!!!

Okay I know that when you put mascara on you open your mouth, but to straighten your hair....that takes skill. Congrats

kaykay20 0

I understand burning the corners of your ear but your tongue? Where you eating a sandwich while holding the flat iron the same time?

shake_my_head 2
treboy1992 4

YDI why would u put a flat iron on your tounge thats just stupid u totally deserved that!

O_o were u trying to straighten ur mustache or sum ? lol jk