By Maxime - 28/02/2014 00:32 - France - Paris

Today, I called a company for a problem with our septic tank. Two workers show up, I take them into the garden to show them the manhole cover at the top of it. They open it up. We then gaze upon a sea of condoms floating on the surface. My wife and I don't use condoms. FML
I agree, your life sucks 555
You deserved it 39

Top comments

Nicole819 11

it might be time to call Cheaters .

Why are we assuming it's the wife? Couldn't it be their kids?


op, need more info. grown kids? never cleaned septic / just moved in recently? to many possible reasons. But most likely is your wife is a ****.

Nicole819 11

I was going to give this a thumbs up until you called his wife a **** .

Oh shit, no thumbs up. His life must be over... And if his wife is rooting another guy, why are you defending her? She's a ****.

Nicole819 11

that's not the point, its not his place to say that.

Maybe a stranger left their condoms there after finishing up. Let's think outside the box.

They..just somehow put their condoms in these peoples septic tank? Uh....might want to reread the FML.

One of your children could be using and flushing them, or possibly the neighbors septic tank is running into yours?

Thank you! I thought I was the only one who thought of a neighbor's sceptic tank running into theirs or a neighbor illegally connecting to theirs.

1known_fml 8

Could be... But it wouldn't be a FML.

jaellin 18

They might not have realized that was the situation though unless they dug it all up...which wouldn't be cheap so it would still kinda suck.

josiemorehouse 12

OP, don't jump to conclusions, there could be a valid explanation. Maybe one of your kids? Maybe the neighbor's stuff is mixing? Maybe it's from the previous homeowner? Maybe let your wife know about what was found and see how she reacts? Or get some hidden cameras set up to catch her? Good luck OP, hopefully you'll get to the bottom of it!

Could it be previous house owners? Possibly?

maybe your wife uses condoms...when youre not there

For your sake and peace of mind, I hope you have a grown son or daughter living in the house, otherwise the alternative isn't a good one to think about, BUT, if it is that, hey, at least she's practicing safe sex.