By lolzor - 12/03/2009 12:07 - Australia

Today, I called a priest "lame". He responded jokingly with "God will smite you!" I laughed and walked out the door. I tripped and broke my ankle. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 490
You deserved it 106 087

Same thing different taste

Top comments

alex_vik 0

You deserved that for calling a priest lame.

HopelesslyHpfl 0

you don't mess with God's followers Haha


just a coincidence's not like god exists or anything...

wrestler_fml 0

That's not Karma, that's God getting you. No lie. Do you know the statistical chances of that happening? Very, very small. I wonder what the Priest says when you walk there next saturday/sunday with a broken ankle??

#13, if the chances of it happening are very small, it doesn't mean it can never happen. Shit DOES happen.

Obviously the priest is God and He was just telling you his master plan... which you fell into perfectly... figuratively and literally.

"That's not Karma, that's God getting you" #13, elaborate on the difference, will you?

Karma isn't a thing from god. In fact it's a Hindu principle about how your current and past actions dictate your status in the next life. God and karma are not the same thing.

That's what you get for calling a priest lame. Call them by their real titles, child molesters.

he wasn't joking, he actually is gettin God to smite you

Why on earth would u call a priest lame? True or not why would you be that disrespectful and say it out loud to his face? I mean unless he molested you then, by all means.

jeez lighten up! priests are people too, this person was just being friendly

boreddoubletears 0

Yeah I'd say that to my pastor, as a joke, of course. He's not God, he's a person like you or I.

you or me retard. I hate people who say blah blah blah and I trying to be smart and are totally wrong