By Anonymous - 16/05/2012 20:34 - Netherlands - Kerkrade

Today, I called my boyfriend during his lunch break. He started to place his order at a fast food joint, and trying to be funny, I started moaning sexily after each part of his order. I eventually realised I was on speaker when I heard snickering in the background. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 740
You deserved it 32 291

Same thing different taste

Top comments

zingline89 18

Do you always moan when your boyfriend eats out? Giggity

PlutoPrincess222 9

Well that was an interesting move on your part haha :)


He obviously wanted to put his Big Mac in your Filet o' Fish. If he deposits his Whopper in your Chalupa, you may be dealing with a McNugget in 9 months.

McDonalds: We'll make you hot before we make you fat...just like marrige! Arby's: We're trying, goddammit! Burger King: Have it your way. And by "your way", we mean our way and nothing else.

Um, why would that be funny while he's trying to order his food? Grow up.

^^you should probably lighten up a bit...

hharwood21 4

I'm assuming you're not a very fun girlfriend!

dellis44 7

"would you like fries with that?" "YESSSSSS! YESSSSS!"

reddudeover 2

Oh god YESSSSSS I want you to fry me so hard. Fry my freaking brains out!

kandi_kid69 15

37- Getting a bit excited there, buddy?

reddudeover 2
reddudeover 2

I bet there's a fetish in there somewhere.

You know you wanted someone to hear you.

43 - I believe 39 was using what is known as "sarcasm". You should look it up in the dictionary.

cuddlebunny3548 11

The employees voice or you're boyfriends?