By Anonymous - 16/05/2012 20:34 - Netherlands - Kerkrade

Today, I called my boyfriend during his lunch break. He started to place his order at a fast food joint, and trying to be funny, I started moaning sexily after each part of his order. I eventually realised I was on speaker when I heard snickering in the background. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 740
You deserved it 32 291

Same thing different taste

Top comments

zingline89 18

Do you always moan when your boyfriend eats out? Giggity

PlutoPrincess222 9

Well that was an interesting move on your part haha :)


"and would u like a hot girl with your cheeseburger and fries!"

Human beings were not likely on the menu, 14.

105, even I thumbed up on your comment

BunBunBabe 8

Hahahaha I moan over the phone when my bf and I are on the phone and he's busy talking to someone else, just to be funny and to hear him tell me to knock it off... But he probably wouldn't have put it on speakerphone/ left it on speakerphone.

perdix 29

Snickers really satisfy, unlike fake ****** noises.

Sounds like somebody got entertained haha. Sucks for you OP

You were still talking to him while he was ordering?

ripresno 10

Yesss! And if there's a strong zombie believer, you might get shot! Then everyone will believe it and you won't be as embarrassed!

Tuesdaythe10th 11
perdix 29

Did he order a Fur Burger, Tuna Tacos and Bearded Clams?

perdix 29

Back in the day, it was uncommon for women to shave their lady parts, thus food references to the genitalia reflected that. I forgot "hair pie." Ask your mom.