By NO NO NO - 05/08/2013 21:42 - Netherlands - Den Haag

Today, I came home a little earlier than usual, only to walk in on my dad frantically trying to remove a ballgag from my mom's mouth. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 534
You deserved it 5 357

Same thing different taste

Top comments

untouchable763 10

Never gonna be able to delete that history. FYL.


lexim1130 15

Wow that's the most awkward situation I'v heard all week

Try think about the good times? Lool!!! No that's not happening you kinda can't erase that from your memory (:

some things that you wish you can unsee

cho_bee 9

It's time to roll a fattie 'cause Dad's playing "The Rent's Due, Bondage Edition" with Mom. Again.

Bludmagnus 13

WOW... just...... WOW.... Brain bleach needs to be real, folks.