By NO NO NO - 05/08/2013 21:42 - Netherlands - Den Haag

Today, I came home a little earlier than usual, only to walk in on my dad frantically trying to remove a ballgag from my mom's mouth. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 534
You deserved it 5 357

Same thing different taste

Top comments

untouchable763 10

Never gonna be able to delete that history. FYL.


I think I'm more embarrassed for your parents.

Eye bleach! EYE BLEACH! And some Brain Bleach, too.

Joseph980000 6

That sucks balls :) sorry I fail /.

Holy_Schnikes 23

I feel so bad for you. When I was 6 I accidentally saw one of my dads girlfriends naked. I still remember it and it wasn't as bad as what you saw.

Everybody had their kink... You just hope never to find them out

We're they in the living room? Why didn't they move to another room or lock the door. Sorry that you can't unsee that.

at least you have some ideas for presents for Xmas.

Some things you just can't unsee. Then your mind wanders to what must have been happening if pops had to silence her with a gag, anal comes to mind. Mom so kinkay. Hey you told the story , I just filled in the missing details.

"Oh you like that? Oh baab- OH MY! OH SHIT! Uhh hi, honey! you came home early! Heh.. Just helping your mom out with.. Uh.. You're home early."