By Peta2nNoMore - 04/07/2009 10:42 - United Kingdom

Today, I came home and found a few of my faux fur coats completely butchered. On my way to interrogate my boys, the only ones home, I found our husky dog, who was recently shaved for an operation, covered in the fur that once belonged to my coat. My boys said 'he was cold'. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 598
You deserved it 10 410

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well yay for you for wearing faux instead of real!


YDI for freaking. Forgive your kids, 'cause thats..seriously, REALLY cute & because its fake fur. Im not even joking.Thats insanely cute

now_ill_post 0

Do your children watch Spongebob by any chance?????

bnovek84 0

that is BEYOND cute! but I would have been extremely pissed.

romeovilleanyone 0

awwwwwwwwwwwwww wayyyyyyyyyy cute~ love kids like that

fmlbestsiteever 0

The kids probably didn't want to see their mom wear faux fur and this was an excellent excuse

primogen18 0

F the Husky's life, hes probably covered in taped on fake fur lol, but that's still pretty funny they thought he was cold.