By Peta2nNoMore - 04/07/2009 10:42 - United Kingdom

Today, I came home and found a few of my faux fur coats completely butchered. On my way to interrogate my boys, the only ones home, I found our husky dog, who was recently shaved for an operation, covered in the fur that once belonged to my coat. My boys said 'he was cold'. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 598
You deserved it 10 410

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well yay for you for wearing faux instead of real!


Arinwyn 0

@ 5.. thanks. now I lost too :c OP, at least they weren't real fur, which are a lot more expensive.

What I don't understand is all these people saying fur is murder, I completely agree. But if you're the type of person that thinks fur is murder, how can you not know what faux fur is? That just blows me away, I wonder if these people think Tofurkey is some sort of Japanese bird... O_O But nice story, made me smile :)

bb1_00 0

well that sucks but at least ur dog wasn't cold....... :)

Eelusive 0

YDI for owning anything furry unless you live in a place like Canada or Alaska. I mean, who wears fur real or fake.

#96, I'm sorry, but I'm just going to assume you're from the US, but please learn a little more about your neighbours to the north and realize that Canada is NOT always cold. Right now the temperature is anywhere between 25 and 35 degrees celsius (77 to 95 fahrenheit) Alaska is cold, because it's so far north, same with the Canadian territories (Yukon, NorthWest Territories, Nunavut), and the more northern parts of some provinces, but if you look on a map, the southern part of Ontario reaches down to the same level as northern California. And anyways, most Canadians think fur, fake or real, is tacky anyways, since WE HAVE THE EXACT SAME FASHION SENSE. Blame Hollywood and the fact we have so much American mass media in Canada. But i will admit fur (fake or real) does keep you warm in the winter. Im not really offended, just thought I should mention those little facts. =)

Seriously? Oh man I'd beat their asses.

car6435 0

number96 Eelusive is retarded. Faux fur. means FAKE fur dumbass. look it up. dumbfuck. get an education before you say something stupid. you idiot

Wtf??! #96 never disputed that Faux=Fake. Take your own advice you prick

electropop 0

Awwwww. That's really cute. Good they were fake furs

shnibz101 0


faux meaning fake, it's not real animal fur!!!

laurlaurs 0

FAUX fur! God, Faux means fake. Buy a dictionary.

or maybe you look guys should look up "trolling" in the dictionary.

Trolling isn't in the dictionary, fucktard.

CyclonePsycho 1

Wow, 118. Spreading the asshole sauce on a bit thick, huh?

Idiot. Faux=fake. Also: most people don't kill the animal specifically to wear its fur. The animal is already dead, if you buy its fur at least it didn't die in vain. ******* imbecile

I think your the idiot here. people don't take fur from already dead animals. they kill them specifically for the purpose of taking the fur and the animals are usually skinned alive and then thrown onto the skinless piles of the other dead and dying.

Mademoiselle_fml 34

Yeah, people don't recycle dead animals and use their fur so it won't go to waste... there's a whole industry that kills animals for their fur, sometimes utilizing traps in the wild or raising them their entire poor little lives in these "farms." Their meat is never used. Leather, however, does regularly come from cows (and various other animals) used for meat, which is why fur seems to be less accepted than leather.

That is too cute. At least they were trying to be helpful.