By Anon_a_mouse - 30/03/2011 19:59 - Reserved

Today, I came home from a week-long vacation, only to find my mother-in-law didn't just dog-sit while I was gone; she moved in, along with all her possessions, and seems to think it's a permanent deal. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 336
You deserved it 3 687

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Mother-in-law: Welcome home! Did you have a good... OP: Get out. Mother-in-law: I did some rearranging... OP: Get OUT. Mother-in-law: Can we talk about th... OP: Bitch, I will ******* destroy you.

OMG!! kick her out. that's a tough one. your house.


Sounds like you and your wife need to have a chat. When you speak to your mother-in-law, make sure you use small words and concise sentences, or she may not understand. Perhaps a definition for 'dogsitting' will help. Good luck, OP.

seriously that would truly suck.., but remember it's your house ....,someone needs to give her some tough love..,, by saying hit the road jack...and don't you come more....hit the road jack ...and don't ya come back no more!!!!

heathersmorin 0

Can't just say it without singing it because I know I sure am!

Easy just send her on vacation for a week and move all her stuff back out while shes gone

Dear that stupid feeling true pain guy, if you post another comment about feeling true pain I will shove a telephone pole up your ass, that is all, I'm deeply sorry about having to post this on everyonelovesboners comment, but I had to make sure you saw it, that is all

lanabanana81 0

hands down the worst day in history.. :/

lesleykay 0

28- I thought I told you to leave Langston alone.