By Anon_a_mouse - 30/03/2011 19:59 - Reserved

Today, I came home from a week-long vacation, only to find my mother-in-law didn't just dog-sit while I was gone; she moved in, along with all her possessions, and seems to think it's a permanent deal. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 336
You deserved it 3 687

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Mother-in-law: Welcome home! Did you have a good... OP: Get out. Mother-in-law: I did some rearranging... OP: Get OUT. Mother-in-law: Can we talk about th... OP: Bitch, I will ******* destroy you.

OMG!! kick her out. that's a tough one. your house.


Personally I would let her "know", but that's just me.

oblio 0

she said to tell her "no," not "let her know."

@16 What are you on about? The OP had his mother in law dog-sit (look after the dog) while he was gone just like people have someone baby-sit, they're not saying their babies are furniture either! Having someone look after the dog shows he knows the dog is alive and needs care, surely if he thought the dog was just a piece of furniture he'd just have left them home alone? Which brings me back to what are you on about?

You need to have LOUD and crazy sex every night. Make sure she hears all the freaky stuff. Use the toilet with the door open. She'll move out.

mrfrenchfrye 0

Why did you ask or let your mother-in-law watch your dog? Next time board the dog.

Maybe because he trusted her? I'm sure he won't make that mistake again! It can be nicer for the dog to stay in their home with someone they know, if that person can be trusted!