By immaturity all around - 31/03/2013 17:55 - United States

Today, I came home in tears over finding out my boyfriend has been cheating on me. I told my seemingly sympathetic dad everything. His advice was to lure them both to our house with the promise of a three-way, after which he'd "kill the shit" out of them. Real mature, dad. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 769
You deserved it 6 984

Same thing different taste


Your dad is actually much better than most of the fathers that appear on this website. Usually they give the unsympathetic, "Get over it" but your dad is ready to choke a bitch! Be happy about the smaller things lol

stevenJB 25's was a little disappointing. Feels like they tried to smash so much into one hour

cmb8280 24

At least he's supportive :)

Panda_Shy_Haven 17
conniejoy529 10

sounds like a nice guy. seriously. At least he cares.

Why does that suck? Your dad sounds awesome!

I prefer strong base chemicals... Maybe that's just preference...

YDI. You brought the cheating on yourself. He wouldn't have strayed if you'd given better & more frequent head. Sorry but its the truth.

#71 You are ******* shallow... Really? She does not deserve it, some guys are just assholes and You are one of them -_-