By immaturity all around - 31/03/2013 17:55 - United States
Same thing different taste
By Pissed - 21/09/2012 23:20 - United States - Newton Center
By bastard magnet - 02/10/2011 22:14 - United States
By heartbroken - 14/07/2012 01:41 - Canada - Brantford
This is fine
By Anonymous - 07/08/2024 02:00 - United States
By Anonymous - 04/01/2014 23:13 - Canada - Hamilton
By Random - 25/02/2016 22:09 - United States - Tuskegee
By Anonymous - 12/06/2023 15:00
By quit fucking up my life - 23/11/2013 01:08 - United States - Kenai
By -_- - 14/06/2014 03:56 - Australia - Elwood
Great, just great
By Norwegian - 02/06/2012 16:55 - Norway
Top comments
well, what were you expecting ?
Your dad is actually much better than most of the fathers that appear on this website. Usually they give the unsympathetic, "Get over it" but your dad is ready to choke a bitch! Be happy about the smaller things lol
Why does that suck? Your dad sounds awesome!
What did u wanna hear?
I prefer strong base chemicals... Maybe that's just preference...
YDI. You brought the cheating on yourself. He wouldn't have strayed if you'd given better & more frequent head. Sorry but its the truth.
#71 You are ******* shallow... Really? She does not deserve it, some guys are just assholes and You are one of them -_-
I'd do what he says
Your dad is my hero.