By Just Me - 26/07/2012 05:04 - United States - Brooklyn

Today, I came out to my mom as a lesbian. She told me that it was impossible, because since she isn't one, she therefore couldn't have given birth to one. She still won't believe me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 628
You deserved it 4 076

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, at least you didn't get your logic from her. Clearly, you are the smarter lass.

I'm sorry, but your mother is an idiot. Or she is in denial. Either one will work.


skiskiii 0

Lol I think everyone is missing the joke. Even though her mother said what she said she was only joking at first ad a response. Though I am sure she was definately aware of the facts and still had a hard time believing it. Lol

Whether you're homosexual or not isn't passed on through genetics. Some people are gay and some people aren't. You should talk to your mom if she still refuses to believe you after a while. If she still won't believe you, then she's just really uneducated.

LemonLolly 10

No offense, but your mom is stupid.

deransc 19

Your mom is dumb. Really Really dumb.

crazy4uboi 6

Your mom sounds like she's in denial or maybe she didn't think that through before saying, hopefully she'll come to her senses!

Either your mom is stupid or she's just in denial. Don't worry, Op. Either way, if your mom can't accept that you're a lesbian, then you don't need her.

make out with your girlfriend in front of her? If that doesn't work, then you are by far the smarter lass and move on, let her be in denial.