By Anonymous - 27/11/2010 06:27 - United States

Today, I caught my boyfriend cheating right after I maxed out my credit card buying him everything on his Christmas list. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 926
You deserved it 16 301

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why would you max out your credit card for a guy in the first place?


sourgirl101 28

What about the "threesome" on his list? Some things credit cards can't buy.

Zombie65 0

#s 14 and 25 along with several others have it covered except I will say YDI max a card for gifts on 1 person? not even had you said "my husband" ydi for maxing your alone for non emergency so YDI twice

why are u buying everything on his list. u can't afford it since u r using a CC. dump him immediately.

I agree. If you find yourself having to use a credit crd to buy all those things, then you definitely cannot afford it. YDI for treating your boyfriend like a spoiled child.

well looks like you got some presents tucked away for the new bf!

ydi!! u seem a Lil off who would buy sumone everything on list???? ur giving me the creeeps

Just return the items, duh? And you're an idiot for buyign everything on his list and getting yourself deep in debts in the first place, cheating or not.