By mylifesucks - 18/04/2009 07:20 - Netherlands

Today, I celebrated my 21st birthday. My boyfriend of almost 3 years gave me a big pink vibrator. Thinking it was a joke I said: "I won't need this as long as I have you!" His reply: "That's what I wanted to talk to you about." FML
I agree, your life sucks 557
You deserved it 52

Top comments

at least he provided you with a replacement. how thoughtful

Haha, don't worry about it too much. The vibrator will probably be better anyways.


Lol nice....:P i like the Lonley girl bit :P....FML

Eh, that was a bit cowardly to need an icebreaker for something like that -- you might be better off.

The OP did not say it was a break-up. He could very well be deploying overseas or going on a long business trip. That makes more sense.

cucuto89 0

I've seen this same commercial like ten times, where its basically saying, "buy her diamonds, or you'll be in the dog house" valentines day isn't commercial my ass.

nice, that made me laugh. (sucks for you though)

wow lol! but that was very insensitive of him =S

Nate_d099 0

Posting this as an "OWNED" =] and how thoughtful of him

I'm starting to recall an old joke about a woman who stepped into a bar....

picture made me lol sry OP that sucks, dick move on his part, on your birthday too?