By xnickx - 16/04/2009 14:47 - United States

Today, I changed the locks on my apartment so my crazy ex girlfriend couldn't get in. I went to her house to return her house key. I accidentally gave her the key to my new locks, and can't find her old house key. Now I need her to come let me in to my own house. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 687
You deserved it 58 913

Same thing different taste

Top comments

LOL... I wonder how that conversation went down... "HERE'S YOUR DAMN KEY BACK, STOP STALKING ME YOU CRAZY BITCH!" "BLAHBLAHBLAHBLAH I LOVE YOU DON'T LEAVE ME" *slams door in her face*... *walks back to apartment and realizes he gave his key to the ex* "Yeah so I uhh gave you MY key by mistake"

Smooth move, but I can sympathize what a crappy position you are now in having had a truly crazy ex.


Now THIS is what this site was made for! You are so very f***ed!!!

FAKE. Why did you go over to her to return her house key when you didn't even find it in the first place? wtf?

cinnomonroll 0

here's a thought- take the key back!

jazziness 12

I don't why everybody says YDI like OP really knows the difference between two keys

OP deserves it because keys do look different up close. No two keys are alike, and he should have somehow marked them. Or better yet, don't give the ex the key back. Just get rid of it. Either way, OP was stupid and does deserve it.

suckstobeyou101 0

Hey guess what sucks to be you

Vahna 0

Why would u return any key in the first place?

kat4x1track 5

Maybe you should have checked the keys or kept them separated.