By xnickx - 16/04/2009 14:47 - United States

Today, I changed the locks on my apartment so my crazy ex girlfriend couldn't get in. I went to her house to return her house key. I accidentally gave her the key to my new locks, and can't find her old house key. Now I need her to come let me in to my own house. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 687
You deserved it 58 913

Same thing different taste

Top comments

LOL... I wonder how that conversation went down... "HERE'S YOUR DAMN KEY BACK, STOP STALKING ME YOU CRAZY BITCH!" "BLAHBLAHBLAHBLAH I LOVE YOU DON'T LEAVE ME" *slams door in her face*... *walks back to apartment and realizes he gave his key to the ex* "Yeah so I uhh gave you MY key by mistake"

Smooth move, but I can sympathize what a crappy position you are now in having had a truly crazy ex.


When you went back to get the keys you should've acted like you wanted to "talk about it", get some one last time then sneak and take your key back!

yeah if she's that crazy, forget giving her the key back. or double check first what you are giving her.

He wasn't giving her a symbolic copy of his old keys, ffs. He was returning his copy of the key to her home. And yes, it makes sense that she should give back her copy of the key to his home, but if he had to change the locks, then she obviously isn't playing by the rules. And I used to think the comments on youtube were dumb :(

so i guess thats not the dramtic exit you wanted?

theoldGP 0

#25 ftw. you're an idiot OP

Why don't you get your locks changed again? Sounds like it'd be worth the extra money!

HAHAHA! You're an idiot. If the relationship ended on such bad terms that you need to change your locks, then why the hell even contact her to give her keys back?! You were obviously just doing that to prove some kind of point and/or hurt her but failed miserably. She's probably sitting at home now thinking "Geez, what a dope. I guess I AM better off with out him..."

jdb2009 0

#6: If that's the way it plays out then he really deserves the shit (that he gets).