By Anonymous - 29/12/2012 23:17 - United States

Today, I checked my sister's diary, because I was worried about her recent angry and withdrawn behavior. She caught me in the act, and my mom, whom I've caught blatantly snooping through my stuff multiple times now, grounded me for my "disgusting" violation of my sister's privacy. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 098
You deserved it 37 175

Same thing different taste

Top comments

GemmaStyles 14

Diaries are meant to be private. I'd agree with your mom. Regardless of what she did, you shouldn't have done that.

Me and my sister look out for each other. I have bipolar. When I'm suicidal, talking to me won't get anyone answers. Well wouldn't have when I was younger, pre treatment. If she did that to me, I would have been angry at the time but thankful later, knowing she cared enough. Siblings often know more about each other then the parents do. Sometimes you have to go with your gut. And while snooping seems low, sometimes, depending on the person it really is the only way to know if something is truly wrong and if the parents should be brought into it. This world is not black and white only. There are gray areas that turn a never into an understandable action.


Are you guys kidding? Privacy is a privilege towards kids, not a right. Even for adults, when the law is concerned, it is also a privilege. If there is any reason for me to believe there was something wrong, the door will be busting down immediately. Once they are adults and out of the house, they may do what they want.

It's annoying for your mother to have done that to you but you really shouldn't have invaded your sister's privacy like that.

wanderingshopper 13

Well lets think for a minute... Are YOU her mother? What right did you have to snoop? I believe that YOU were being nosy, and that was your excuse when you got caught. Ever thought of ASKING her verbally??? As for your mom, well gee, she's your mom. Not your sister, not your friend or buddy. It's her responsibility to check on you and to make sure you're happy, healthy and making good decisions for your life... Get a clue!

Sometimes siblings are closer to each other than their parents. Case in point, my sister and I. She snooped around my stuff all the time when I was young and as things turned out I wish I had done the same. However it is nice to have an opinion about privacy that doesn't come from a teenager on this site.

If it is a privilege as an adult why do cops need a warrant to search your home? It's a ******* law. You need solid evidence to get a warrant

I only said "You deserved it" because you got caught. Usually, I would agree with your mother, but you seem genuinely concerned for your sister. If you had found her planning to commit suicide in that diary, you could have saved her life, and that's way more important.

#27, while that may apply to your case, I'd just like to point out that the opposite does exist. Some people can be easily set off by invasions of privacy, especially paranoid types. So invading their privacy instead of talking to them first can easily cause whatever they were trying to prevent. Just a thought!

@47 Good point, although I'd say privacy should start at puberty, rather than at age 13. As a kid you don't care about privacy and for safety reasons your parents should often be around. Once you hit puberty you start having all sorts of thoughts and changes, and this is when you need privacy. You also don't need constant supervision since most people can think for themselves by then. Puberty and self-awareness can start years before age 13. An 11 year old, for example, wouldn't want their parent walking in on them changing, dealing with their period or getting themselves off, or reading their personal thoughts about the what's happening with their body and their crushes.

"why me officer? the other guys were speeding too, FML"

"You ever gone fishing?" "Yeah, why?" "You ever caught all the fish?"

84 I do have paranoia issues as well, which is why at first I would be upset. But having dealt with these issues for as long as I can remember, I do know that as a teen, being trapped in the hell that was my mind, I am glad now that people did check in on me. Even if it wasn't the least triggering way. I don't know how I would have gotten through my tougher periods if people didn't take the time to find out what I was going through even when I refused to speak about it and helped guide me through the issues. Everyone is different though. But I do think my sister knew and still knows me best when it comes to something being wrong even if I deny it.