By shiznit - 25/10/2010 19:05 - United States

By shiznit - 25/10/2010 19:05 - United States
By Anonymous - 01/04/2022 03:00 - United Kingdom
By cantgetitupcantgetiton - 14/01/2010 01:02 - United States
By Anonymous - 11/01/2013 05:17 - United States - Pass Christian
By apparently inexperienced - 11/09/2012 16:54 - United States - Brockton
By Anonymous - 05/01/2010 07:16 - United States
By Jena - 05/08/2022 01:00 - United States - Portland
By Anonymous - 13/04/2015 01:56 - United States
By Anonymous - 13/05/2024 08:00 - United States - Babylon
By serenti - 13/10/2011 21:30 - Sweden
By Anonymous - 03/11/2021 17:00
I could relate to that...
at least that means he isn't a furry. ew.
^ this is brilliant do it OP
that means he thinks ure really hot
#45 ftw
Why would you suggest role play as cartoon characters if he has a fetish with cartoons? this would only make his problem worse lol. OP, you both should meet in the middle here.. leave the tv on, but on mute, then put some music on.. maybe both of you would be happy then? or maybe just music videos..
erika is a problem solver! i'd love to bone a chick to beavis and butthead lol.
sure u are ... lol
Mickey and Minny.
i created an account just so i could say "LMFAO" @ your comment on the FML about the cartoons. +2 cool pts
Maybe you should try dressing up like one of the cartoon charcters he likes? O_o Lqtm Sorry OP just tryin to help...
Heh, good one.
he must be a ninja. all i can say
Probably wouldn't last much more than a minute if he was watching Porky Pig, but at least he'd finish you off with "Th-th-th-th-th-that's all, folks!"
Probably wouldn't last much more than a minute if he was watching Porky Pig, but at least he'd finish you off with "Th-th-th-th-th-that's all, folks!"
"I'm ready! I'm ready! I'm ready! I'm ready eddy eddy eddy eddy eddy eddy!!!!"